
Ukraine: Constructing the Fourth Reich "White Europe is Our Goal"

A brief overview of the Nazism on display in Ukraine as presented by the Western press

One of the largest fictions of the Western press after the Russian Federation launched their Special Military Operation in February 2022 is that claims of Nazis in Ukraine are exaggerated by the Russian Federation.

Screenshots of Washington Post, Politico, NPR, and MSNBC headlines
Western Media before Feb. 2022: TNE TIMEJ ur ISKACL Far-Right Fighters From Europe Fight For Ukraine OHAARETZ Dec. 27, 2018 Ukraine celebrates Nazi collaborator, bans book critical of pogroms leader Ukraine Designates National Holiday Britons join neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine to Commemorate Nazi Collaborator 2 MAR 2018 UK facing surging and constantly evolving' threat from far-right terrorism, watchdog warns AUGUST 11, 2014 GUEST CONTRIBUTOR 2 COMMENTS State agencies have declared January la commemoration day for WWII A nationalist Stepan Bandera E Kiev's far-right groups refuse to disarm Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Atlantic Council Les néonazis ukrainiens sont soutenus par des Sulsses. TU ATING OUR Goth ANNIVERSARY UkraineAlert | June 20, 2018 Ukraine's Got a Real Problem with Far- Right Violence (And No, RT Didn't Write This Headline) Flaga UA z symbolami nazistowskimi w rekach członków Misanthropic Division. Fot. vk.com FBI: Neo-Nazi Militia Trained by US Military in Ukraine Now Training US White Supremacists Nazi symbols, salutes on display at Ukrainian nationalist march Hundreds march in Ukraine in annual tribute to Nazi collaborator Violent Anti-Semitism bellingcat Yes, It's (Still) OK To Call Ukraine's C14 “Neo-Nazi" 5 Mar 2014 How the far-right took top posts in Ukraine's power vacuum August 9, 2019 Is Gripping Ukraine - And The Government Is Standing Idly By Ukrainian neo-Nazi C14 vigilantes drive out Roma families, burn their camp By Lev Golinkin May 20, 2018 A30B Ukraine conflict: 'White DDO A New Eurasian Far Right Rising: Freedom THouse Reflections on Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia Ukraine's far-right menace POLITICC power' warrior from Sweden BOEST BBC Home News Sport Reel Worklife Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict With Axes And Hammers, Far- OTVNEWS Right Vigilantes Destroy Another Romany Camp In Kyiv Ukraine conflict: Child soldiers join the fight Far-right extremists in Ukrainian military bragged about Canadian training, report says New 'Glory to Ukraine' army chant invokes nationalist past A new slogan adopted by the Ukrainian army has drawn criticism for its links to World War II-era nationalist groups. The decision has sparked a debate about how the country should address its history. JUGEN Who Was Stepan Bandera? German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers 308 gisandet 2lioanthropic Division "Defend the White Race": American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Far-Right Group Made Its Home in Ukraine's Major Western Military Training Hub Ukraine Western Media after Feb. 2022: "SLAVA UKRAINI!"N 卍 Stepan Bandera Product Font Publication People

We have previously touched on the Western media hypocrisy in a separate article which can be read at length below. The article does a deep dive into the rise of Ukrainian nationalism and how its growth was influenced by the Central Intelligence Agency to sow discontent within the former USSR.

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Modern Hitler Youth Camps

For several years now, Ukraine has been the home of modern Hitler Youth camps, indoctrinating children into the Banderite ideology of Ukrainian Nationalism, functionally serving as a pipeline to raise the next generation of Ukrainian Nazis.

In typical Western fashion, the mainstream press has been aware of this issue, covering these camps years prior to the Special Military Operation.

In the two videos above you will see children being taught how to use rifles, lectured about the history of Ukraine from the perspective of supporters of Stefan Bandera. Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric is also prominent, as well are calls to destroy Russian civilization.

The Associated Press observed this nationalist rhetoric in the reporting they did on these camps in 2018. Some of the lecturers at the camps gave a glimpse into the types of topics these children are being taught.

Cherkashin is a veteran of the fight against pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine; he was wounded in combat and later came to lead Sokil, or Falcon, the youth wing of the Svoboda party. It is important, he says, to inculcate the nation’s youth with nationalist thought, so they can battle Vladimir Putin’s Russia as well as “challenges that could completely destroy” European civilization.

Among those challenges: LGBT rights, which lecturers denounce as a sign of Western decadence.

“You need to be aware of all that,” said instructor Ruslan Andreiko. “All those gender things, all those perversions of modern Bolsheviks who have come to power in Europe and now try to make all those LGBT things like gay pride parades part of the education system.”

While some youths dozed off during lectures, others paid attention. Clearly, some were receptive.

During a break in training, a teenager played a nationalist march on his guitar. It was decorated with a sticker showing white bombs hitting a mosque, under the motto,

“White Europe is Our Goal.”

Pictures show young children being taught how to use rifles by Azov members with Swastika tattoos.Pictures show young children being taught how to use rifles by Azov members with Swastika tattoos.
Pictures show young children being taught how to use rifles by Azov members with Swastika tattoos.Pictures show young children being taught how to use rifles by Azov members with Swastika tattoos.

Even after the Special Military Operation launched, the Western press let the Nazi problem slip out on occasion.

Nationalist Symbols

An unusual attempt to downplay the influence of Nazi symbology has been invoked during the current conflict raging in Eastern Ukraine. On social media, supporters of Ukraine have defended the use of these symbols under the guise of them being different than the ones used in Nazi Germany. Of course, this can easily be disproven.

We can take the Azov Battalion symbol and analyze it carefully.

Ukrainian War Crimes

In the Western press, Ukraine is framed as a defense of Western Democracy against the evil Russians. In reality though, the Ukrainian military has been committing atrocities since at least 2014.

The United Nations has published a few studies already, indicating the scale of atrocities against those in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

During the on-going conflict, Ukraine has been observed several times committing atrocities against prisoners of war. We must warn our readers that the video below is incredibly graphic.

Shortly after the video was posted, Ukraine supporters took to the internet to claim the video was another example of Russian propaganda.

The Human Rights Watch organization also chimed in, indicating that it would be a war crime if the video turned out to be real. The New York Times eventually admitted the video was real.

A common scene on social media are pro-Ukraine supporters taking pleasure in the brutality of war. The barbarism on display is illustrated by a verified Twitter user with over 200,000 followers gleefully bragging about turning bad “ordinary Russian” into a good one (Dead one).

Stop Pretending

The attempts to downplay the Nazism in Ukraine is irresponsible and will cause unneeded death and destruction as nationalists are allowed to go unchecked.

One of the reasons we at Red Street use Western sources is to refute attempts to frame our work as Russian propaganda. This strategic method of reporting is to help our readers to think about how narratives shift according to geopolitical interests.